A Personal Approach To Resolving Your Estate Planning & Litigation Concerns

estate litigation

Why to avoid DIY estate litigation

The day will come when you need to meet with an attorney to create an estate plan. However, there are plenty of online services that allow you to create a will by yourself, and that is a mistake you do not want to make. You never want there to be any errors in your...

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Warning signs your parent’s will may be invalid

The reading of the will tends to be a dramatic event in movies and books, typically ending in an unpleasant surprise for the family. Despite the common dramatization, these scenarios do happen in real life, leading loved ones to contest the will. However, the signs...

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What you need to know about arbitration clauses

Estate planning is necessary and important, but it is also sometimes a stressful endeavor when you are trying to ensure all your loved ones are cared for. Drafting a trust or will is the best way to provide financial protection to your family after you pass, but it is...

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Top 3 reasons to challenge an estate

There are many families who struggle after the loss of a loved one. Dealing with grief is not an easy thing to do, and everyone will respond to the loss differently. At some point, the family needs to begin the process of moving on, and often that comes when they...

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