By creating a will, an individual is expressing wishes regarding what should happen to personal property after his or her passing. This document can give clear instructions regarding how the executor should distribute assets and what will happen with other parts of...
A Personal Approach To Resolving Your Estate Planning & Litigation Concerns
Wills & Trusts
Is your inheritance at risk in an invalid will?
Losing someone you love isn’t easy, particularly if you have known the person your entire life. Perhaps you’ve grown up in Nevada and have decades of cherished memories of times spent alongside your grandmother or grandfather. As you lay him or her to rest, such...
When to challenge a will for undue influence
Challenging the wishes of a will is possible if you suspect that undue influence was involved in writing it. Undue influence is when one person persuades another against their better judgment. These cases may arise by violent or psychological means that are subtle in...
Trusts can help create legacies
Estate plans can have benefits than span generations. Of course, in order for these benefits to come into play, these plans must be created properly and with the future in mind. For some people, creating a generational legacy is not something that they are interested...
Is my trustee committing fraud?
If you are the beneficiary of a trust from a loved one’s estate, you may rely on the assets in that trust for specific needs, such as educational costs, medical treatments or living expenses. Perhaps your loved one established the trust simply to provide you with...
An estate plan does not have to include every personal detail
When some Nevada residents think about estate planning, they may look around their homes and see numerous assets they have accumulated over the years. They may think that they have to specifically state who gets each of these items as part of their estate plan, and...
Do you really need an estate attorney?
When Nevada residents are putting together an estate plan, they want to make sure that they're doing everything that they can to protect their beneficiaries. An estate plan helps ensure that when you are no longer here, your beneficiaries will be able to inherit your...
Is a holographic, or handwritten, will valid in Nevada?
When your loved one passed, you may not have known whether he or she had created a formal estate plan. As a direct heir, you may have anticipated receiving assets from the estate, nonetheless. However, when someone else came forward with a handwritten note claiming...
How a will can be contested
It is important for everyone to leave a directive regarding certain assets and aspects of their life when they pass on because dying intestate in Nevada can often leave the family in limbo. When this is done late in life, members of the family can actually contest the...
Know your rights as a trust beneficiary
Knowing that a family trust exists can bring some peace of mind to the beneficiaries of that trust. You and others in this position may anticipate receiving funds over the course of several years or otherwise benefitting from the account based on the terms that apply....