Most people in Nevada and elsewhere want to preserve as many of their assets as possible. This is especially true when seeking to protect one’s assets from creditors. Like several other states, Nevada allows for the creation of Domestic Asset Protection Trusts...
A Personal Approach To Resolving Your Estate Planning & Litigation Concerns
Asset Protection
Credit shelter trust may be option for asset protection
Having a significant estate can be a blessing but can also have its complications. When one spouse in an affluent couple passes away, it can be challenging to know the best way to handle the remaining assets. While the surviving spouse will typically come to solely...
Could a family trust help with asset protection?
Accumulating assets over a lifetime differs for each Nevada resident. Some individuals may have a minimalist approach to the assets they accrue and maintain, and others may acquire considerable wealth and property that they hope to leave to their loved ones. In the...
Why Successful Couples Need a Prenup
Prenuptial agreements are important for every successful couple to consider as they plan their lives together. They allow couples to control their financial futures in the event of divorce, an accident or death. Unfortunately, myths and misconceptions about prenuptial...