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Issues with an executor could cause estate litigation

by | Sep 3, 2021 | Estate Litigation

It is not unusual for Nevada residents to name a close family member as the executor of their estate. While this appointment can work out well in many cases, there are instances in which a family member who serves as executor may not handle the position with as much trustworthiness or integrity as expected. Unfortunately, missteps by the executor could lead to estate litigation that could have lasting effects. 

Even if a person readily accepts the role of executor, it does not necessarily mean he or she is the best person for the job or that the person knows what the process will entail. It may be possible for someone to begin to feel overwhelmed by the job or not know what he or she is doing, which could quickly cause problems for the estate. If heirs and beneficiaries are seeing significant delays in closing the estate or loss of assets due to actions of the executor, lawsuits may result. 

Some ways in which an executor could cause harm to the estate during probate include the following: 

  • Disagreeing with a co-executor on how to handle probate issues 
  • Not protecting the value of the estate 
  • Being biased and favoring one beneficiary over others 
  • Stealing from the estate 

Issues with an executor or co-executors could tie up an estate for years. Obviously, that would mean that the heirs and beneficiaries are not able to get what they are owed, and it could easily lead to strife within a family. If Nevada residents believe that the executor of their loved one’s estate is not acting properly, they may want to explore their estate litigation options.